With the demands of the workplace ever increasing, it would be comforting to know that exercise didn’t really matter to our health and wellbeing, and if we did spend our spare time exercising, it would not be beneficial.

Our Evolutionary Heritage: The Need for Exercise
Our bodies are made to exercise and do benefit from physical activity. We come from the same gene pool as our ancestors did thousands of years ago. Our ancestors had to exercise or they perished. They had no choice but to work hard physically, to walk to any destination they wanted to go and grow or hunt their own food.
Today our lives are drastically different. We have cars, computers, elevators and unlimited modern luxuries that are making us lazier than ever before. We have drive-thru restaurants to save us getting out of the car and walking inside and we can even do our grocery shopping over the Internet and have it delivered to our homes.
Modern Lifestyle: A Shift Towards Inactivity
More importantly, the majority of us are in professions that do not require any physical expenditure or effort. Quite the contrary. The workplace is now run behind computers, with many spending over 10 hours each day behind a desk. Without exercise, our bodies will only gravitate toward a downward spiral of health and well being. We were not meant to spend our lives in an idle state.
When we reach a certain age, our bodies can’t function at the optimal range they once did, hence the old adage, if we don’t use it, we lose it. If we don’t stimulate the heart or our muscles, then we lose a significant percentage of their function.
Exercise as a Preventative Measure
Exercise is essential for the well being and physical health of all humans when undertaken correctly and in conjunction with a proper diet. This means that 10 out of 10 people that exercise will achieve results, albeit with differing outcomes but nonetheless, positive benefits.
Take a look at our ancestors. None of them suffered from the illnesses that plague us today. Lung cancer, diabetes, obesity and heart disease did not exist. Their lives were healthier, fitter and free from the scourge of modern illness.

Benefits of Exercise for Specific Health Conditions
Exercise is essential for well-being and physical health when done correctly and with a proper diet. This means that 10 out of 10 people that exercise will achieve results. Different people will achieve differing outcomes but nonetheless, positive benefits.
Speak to sufferers of diabetes, asthma or arthritis and hear of the benefits of exercise. In fact a large number of our elite World Champion swimmers were encouraged to begin swimming to alleviate the problems associated with asthma. However just simple lifestyle/wellness factors such as weight control, generally feeling better, having more energy, being able to cope better with stress are all related to sensible exercise programs.
In your workplace exercise can lead to greater productivity, less sick days and greater self-esteem. What boss wouldn’t want that?
Exercise – does it work? A resounding YES! For 10 out of 10 people.

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