Teacher Support Program

Teacher Support Program

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Teachers Support

Vocational Education and Training (VET) fitness courses contribute to the broad education of students in many ways. They have the ability to engage and challenge students, maximising their individual talents and capabilities for further education; health and fitness training; and lifelong learning.

Fit Education delivers VET approved courses in schools and invests heavily in training and supporting teachers to help students progress through their course.

Whether you’re a teacher at a school with one of our programs, or a teacher wanting to advance their own learnings, we have something for you.

Fit Education has rewarding partnerships across the industry, and keeps schools informed of events and keynotes relevant to them.

We are educators, just like you.

The Fit Education Team has years of experience at the top of fitness / sport.
We are practicing Personal Trainers, Strength and Conditioning Coaches and Teachers.
Fit Education has an extensive sporting and business network to connect you with thought leaders and educators. Our graduates get jobs.

Practical Workshops and Course Coaching

VET is practical by nature. Fit Education school based programs are set up to promote practical learning for your students.  Fit Education trainers and assessors are available to jointly deliver content and practical sessions to students at your school. Check out our school based delivery options here.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Do you needing upskilling with a Certificate III in Fitness and Certificate IV in Fitness, or have an interest in our Diploma level courses? Fit Education has a simple RPL process to recognise your skills and knowledge. Gain accreditation in Group Fitness and Personal Training to teach VET at school, or earn some extra cash on the side as a coach / fitness trainer. These teacher programs vary from online, workshops and on-campus sessions. Contact Fit Education directly for more information on your specific requirements.

Professional development day