News and blogs

News and blogs

RPL: Recognition of Prior Learning

Did you know that you may be eligible to have your past studies and/or work experience count as RPL towards the achievement of units of competency in your courses?
This means that you could be exempt from some of the unit of competencies and/or subjects in your course, and be able to complete your qualification in a shorter period of time.

The Sports Industry Lacks Female Coaches

Women in Coaching Roles Within Australian sport research, there is a lack of information about women in elite coaching roles. The sports industry lacks female coaches, and this under-representation highlights […]

How to Become a Coach/Mentor Partner with Fit Education

Fit Education provides on-line learning and assessment opportunities for students to obtain their SIS20115 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation, SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness, SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness and SIS50321 Diploma […]

Why Do we Always Forget about Preventive Health?

What were the major party’s preventative health strategies? An internet search comes up with nothing. They were non-existent. We know that prevention is better than cure. Data, research, and history have continually shown a four-fold return on investment to the health budget. We know that exercise improves physical and mental health.