Diploma of Sport

Diploma of Sport

The Sports Industry Lacks Female Coaches

Women in Coaching Roles Within Australian sport research, there is a lack of information about women in elite coaching roles. The sports industry lacks female coaches, and this under-representation highlights […]

What is Recovery?

What is recovery? Recovery is one of the most underrated aspects of a fitness journey, sport training or everyday life.

Breaking Unhealthy Habits

Habit: usual way of behaviour or a tendency that someone has settled into. 

Whether it’s our morning routine or our night time bed routine that we can’t go to bed until all steps are followed, habits are regular activities done in the same place, same time and with the same people. We are all creatures of habit. 

How exercise can reduce pain

When we are in pain sometimes movement or exercise is the last thing we want to do, however exercise and movement are some of the fundamental aspects in management for persistent pain.
Exercise has been proven to improve post surgery recovery, or any recovery for that matter, reduce side effects for conditions such as diabetes, cancer, heart attacks, and some neurological conditions.
As exercise can improve function, wellbeing and pain levels.

Inclusive Sport

Everyone should be able to participate in sport and physical activity in a welcoming and inclusive way – regardless of gender, sexual orientation, ability, cultural background, ethnicity, location or life stage.

Gambling in Sport

Gambling in sport is defined as: “Irregularly influencing the course or result of a sports event in order to obtain advantage for oneself or for others and to remove all or part of the uncertainty normally associated with sport.’
It goes without saying that a fundamental aspect of why so many people love and enjoy sport is a belief in the fairness of the contest and the uncertainty of the outcome. When these things are compromised then sport becomes pointless.

The Case for Women Coaches: The Women’s Sports Academy

Women's Sports Academy

Within Australian sport research, there is a lack of information about women in elite coaching roles. This highlights the need for discussion and further studies that break down the disparity between male and female coaches and why this exists in the industry.