Certificate IV in Fitness

Certificate IV in Fitness

Fitness industry job statistics post-COVID

There is no denying that COVID has taken a massive toll on society and how we move forward with face-to-face jobs. The fitness industry was particularly affected, as during the national lockdowns all fitness facilities/centres and organised sports/ sporting events were closed / stopped / ceased. This proved to be an issue amongst the community as it put a stop to most of the sport for the period.  

Resistance Band Training

Resistance bands are one of the most simple and effective ways to complete a strength workout. They can be used in a variety of ways to train each muscle group and are more accessible than a set of dumbbells.
For beginners through to advanced strength trainers, a resistance band can provide new ways of performing exercises that will continue to challenge you. 

Importance of Strength Training for Women


In order to create a well-rounded exercise program, elements of strength, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness are necessary. There are limited studies on the benefits of strength training for women despite […]

Video Blog: #5 The F Virus

The F Virus

This is a video directed to anyone thinking about working in Fitness. Young Grade 12’s fresh of High School and people of all ages looking for their dream job and working in jobs they don’t like.

Exercise and Mental Wellbeing

Mental health problems is one of the world’s modern pandemics, as it becomes the 3rd leading cause of chronic health problems in youth with the leading cause of death for […]

Fitness Industry on the Rise

Fitness industry

I was lucky enough to attend our fitness industry associations recent information session in Brisbane, and it reinforced what I expected. The fitness industry is on the rise and becoming […]