Certificate III and IV in Fitness

Certificate III and IV in Fitness

How to Get Your First Personal Training Client

Personal Training Courses

So, you’ve just graduated from your personal training course with Fit Education – congratulations! You now have the skillset to make a successful career in the fitness industry. Starting a […]

What to Expect from a Personal Training Course

Individual turning pages on FitEducation personal trainer workbook

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining physical fitness is more crucial than ever. With rising health concerns and sedentary lifestyles, the role of personal trainers has become indispensable. These professionals guide […]

Monster Walk

Monster Walk: The Monster Walk is a common resistance training exercises for strengthening / activating the glutes. The Monster Walk is a great exercise for helping people who are having […]

RPL: Recognition of Prior Learning

Did you know that you may be eligible to have your past studies and/or work experience count as RPL towards the achievement of units of competency in your courses?
This means that you could be exempt from some of the unit of competencies and/or subjects in your course, and be able to complete your qualification in a shorter period of time.


Deadlifts are great

The Deadlift is a simple exercise. Pick up a heavy bar off the ground then put it down again. It is one of the most effective exercises for improving total-body […]