Personal Trainer Course

Personal Trainer Course

Overhead Barbell Squat

The overhead barbell squat is an advanced exercise that requires strength in the legs, and stability of the shoulders and core. It mobilizes the thoracic spine, ankles, and hips, and […]

Single Leg Squat

The squat is one of the great exercises. It stimulates all the major muscles in the legs – the quads, hamstrings and glutes. The single-leg version aids balance, mobility, co-ordination […]


The lunge is a staple resistance training exercise that works the hips, glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and core. It is a common weight training exercise that has many variations. Lunges are […]

Deadbug – Abdominal Exercise

Deadbug: The dead bug strengthens the abs and core without putting strain on the lower back. (which can be a concern with sit ups and many other common ab exercises.) […]

Face Pull

Face Pull: The standing face pull is an isolation exercise primarily targeting the rear deltoids, traps, and upper back. It is most often performed with a rope attachment. Set up […]

Shoulder Press – Standing Barbell

The Standing Barbell Shoulder Press is a full body, compound exercise. The shoulders and arms press the weight over head while the legs, lower back and abs provide balance. How […]

How Much do Personal Training Courses Cost?

Cert 4 in Fitness: Personal training courses in Australia cost $4815, on average, according to data recently published by MySkills, a website run by the Department of Employment, Skills, Small […]

How to Become a Successful PT

Don’t like working in an office, having to wear a suit and sitting through boring meetings? Do you want to have a PT career to be able to make a […]