Endurance Training – Preparing For Endurance Events
Endurance Training: Preparing for Endurance Events The focus of this article is the investigation into the current training methods utilised to enhance endurance running performance. The article will include a […]
What Is Missing In A Personal Trainer’s Knowledge?
The Missing Link in the Personal Trainer’s Knowledge Why is it that some trainers have long waiting lists whilst others struggle to retain the few clients they have? Why is […]
Barefoot Running v Running With Shoes
For many the idea of running barefoot would seem counterproductive or even dangerous however barefoot running has a strong cult following. It would be an easy assumption to make that […]
Shoulder Injuries – (Rotator Cuff)
Shoulder injuries are very common in many areas of sport and fitness. They are particularly common in swimming, shoulder workouts and other overhead activities (Javelin etc). These injuries can be […]
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Iliotibial Band Syndrome – What is the Iliotibal Band? The Iliotibial Band (ITB) is a band of collegen fibres that extend from the Tensor Fascia Lata (TFL) and Gluteus Maximus […]
Sport Psychology – Emotional Intelligence And Mood Affect On Exercise
Sport Psychology – Mood has an affect on exercise and sport performance. The mind set a client is in ultimately determines the results they achieve. Some say motivation and mood […]
The Importance Of Exercise And Ageing.
The importance of exercise and ageing: Getting started in your 40s & 50s Exercise and Ageing: You may have heard the phrase, ‘move it or lose it’ this can be […]
Learning to treat your body with respect – Short Story
The human body is an intricate machine. When it’s in peak condition, mental alertness and productivity is high, performance improves. Here is an interesting story for you. About six months […]