Certificate III in Fitness

Certificate III in Fitness

Battle Rope

The battle rope is an energy system training (conditioning) and muscle endurance exercise . It works muscles in the upper back, shoulders, arms, abs, back, glutes and legs. There are […]

Overhead Barbell Squat

The overhead barbell squat is an advanced exercise that requires strength in the legs, and stability of the shoulders and core. It mobilizes the thoracic spine, ankles, and hips, and […]

Five Fitness Myths Debunked

Fitness Myths Debunked: There is a lot of misinformation in the fitness industry. As a personal trainer it is important to be able to understand the difference between fact and […]

Circuit Training

Circuit Training: A circuit is 4 or more movements put together in sequence. Other movement combination definitions include:

Online Training Tips

Online training: There has been a lot of growth in online virtual personal training and fitness with COViD19 and the advancement of online real-time technology. Online training represents an opportunity […]

Swiss Ball Hamstring Curl

The swiss ball hamstring curl is a fantastic exercise to strengthen the hamstrings, glutes and core.

Ab Roller

AB ROLLER The abdominal roll-out is the primary exercise performed with an ab roller (a form of anti-extension core training). As the body rolls forward, the core works to prevent […]

Endurance Training Jargon

Fundamental Concepts in Physiology Relevant to Endurance Training. To understand endurance training it is important to have an understanding of some basic physiological concepts. Five of these principles are: VO2 […]

Virtual Fitness

Virtual Fitness: The fitness industry has copped it through COVID-19 as shown in the diagram below. It has been one of the major industries affected. However, through the tough times […]