Strength and Conditioning

Strength and Conditioning

Strength and Conditioning of Elite Athletes

Elite athletes’ are extraordinary people that do superhuman things, right? A portion of this statement is correct, the other is debatable and owns a lot to their strength and conditioning […]

Exercise Selection for Perfect Programming

There is an art / skill to choosing the right exercises for your clients. The most important consideration of exercise selection is to select exercises that have a fundamental application […]

Strength Training For Masters Athletes

STRENGTH TRAINING FACT:  Veteran athletes lose strength as they age. Humans start losing muscle mass after the age of 38. Research suggests that this age-related loss of muscle strength impacts […]

Gordon Pirie’s Laws Of Running

Running: Gordon Piries’s Laws of Running Gordon Pirie (10 February 1931 – 7 December 1991) was an English long-distance runner. He competed in the 5000 m and 10,000 m events […]

Shin Splints

There is much confusion over the difference between shin splints and stress fractures in the running community. The term shin splints is a name often given to any pain at […]

Core Stability: Is It A Myth?

Core Stability: Personal trainers; gym instructors, Pilates and yoga instructors; and exercise physiologists regularly talk of the importance of having a strong core, especially the deep muscle known as the […]

Tai Chi: A Combat Martial Art

Tai Chi: Article by Luke C Gregory as published in Blitz Magazine. Many martial artists may not see tai chi – or tai-ji, as it’s called in China’s Mandarin tongue […]