The Importance Of Nutrition In The Sport and Fitness Industry.

Steve Nance. In today’s confusing fitness landscape, the question of nutrition’s significance resonates loudly. “How important is nutrition in the sports and the fitness industry?” is a question I get […]
The Role of Nutrition and How to Master It for Optimal Results

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in achieving fitness goals, yet many individuals overlook itsimportance. Over my years of personal training course experience, I’ve encountered numerous people who, despite consistent effort, […]
Nutrition – What Advice Can Personal Trainers Provide?

Nutrition: Is it illegal for personal trainers to give nutritional advice and programming to their clients? There has been a lot of attention in the media recently on qualifications […]
Why Do we Always Forget about Preventive Health?

What were the major party’s preventative health strategies? An internet search comes up with nothing. They were non-existent. We know that prevention is better than cure. Data, research, and history have continually shown a four-fold return on investment to the health budget. We know that exercise improves physical and mental health.
Combine Fitness & Nutrition with Ease: Study a Certificate In Nutrition.

As a Personal Trainer, you’re dedicated to helping clients achieve their fitness goals. But, until now, offering nutrition advice alongside your fitness services was a challenging and expensive process. With the new and accessible Certificate of Nutrition, you can bridge the gap between fitness and nutrition, making your fitness business a one-stop-shop for clients’ health and wellness needs. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how getting a Certificate of Nutrition can help you stand out and take your fitness business to the next level.
Finding a happy balance of fitness and lifestyle over the holidays

Prioritising healthy habits is something more of us should do, however finding a happy balance will help with the chaos of the holidays.
Breaking Unhealthy Habits

Habit: usual way of behaviour or a tendency that someone has settled into.
Whether it’s our morning routine or our night time bed routine that we can’t go to bed until all steps are followed, habits are regular activities done in the same place, same time and with the same people. We are all creatures of habit.
The Secret Behind The Perfect Body Composition

Nutrition: Ever wondered how the Cristiano Ronaldo’s, Usain Bolt’s and Laura Geitz’s of the world got their bodies to look like a work of art? Or it might simply just […]
Myths: Eating Carbohydrates On A Diet

Carbohydrates: One of the biggest misconceptions around is that you should limit your carbohydrate intake when trying to lose weight. Myths like these have been given credibility due to celebrities […]
Hydration Issues – Preparation And Recovery

Hydration: In the heat and humidity of our tropical climate, it is very important to begin an event or training session well hydrated and have a plan to stay well […]