Resistance Training

Resistance Training

Ab Roller

AB ROLLER The abdominal roll-out is the primary exercise performed with an ab roller (a form of anti-extension core training). As the body rolls forward, the core works to prevent […]

Single Leg Squat

The squat is one of the great exercises. It stimulates all the major muscles in the legs – the quads, hamstrings and glutes. The single-leg version aids balance, mobility, co-ordination […]


The lunge is a staple resistance training exercise that works the hips, glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and core. It is a common weight training exercise that has many variations. Lunges are […]

Deadbug – Abdominal Exercise

Deadbug: The dead bug strengthens the abs and core without putting strain on the lower back. (which can be a concern with sit ups and many other common ab exercises.) […]

Face Pull

Face Pull: The standing face pull is an isolation exercise primarily targeting the rear deltoids, traps, and upper back. It is most often performed with a rope attachment. Set up […]

Shoulder Press – Standing Barbell

The Standing Barbell Shoulder Press is a full body, compound exercise. The shoulders and arms press the weight over head while the legs, lower back and abs provide balance. How […]

Front Squat

The front squat is a lower-body exercise that will strengthen the legs and hips, particularly your quadriceps and glutes. It is a staple resistance training exercise, covered in the Certificate […]

Exercise Selection for Perfect Programming

There is an art / skill to choosing the right exercises for your clients. The most important consideration of exercise selection is to select exercises that have a fundamental application […]